Ships from and sold by Salt Creek First Editions. I'm an avid Pokemon fan so I collect this kind of stuff, but for those who grew up with Pokemon will appreciate this Handbook as it contains the first two generations. While it likely won't fetch as high of a price as a graded 1st Edition Charizard card, this card sheet is still an intriguing and important piece of Pokemon trading card history. This item: The Official Pokemon Handbook. The auction is scheduled to end on February 23rd. Notably, Zapdos, Chansey, Venusaur, and Raichu all have more cards on the sheet than Charizard, Alakazam, Blastoise, and other rare holofoil cards, although is likely just a quirk in how the cards were laid out on the sheet as opposed to signaling that those cards are somehow less rare. There are also more Hitmonchan, Gyarados, and Mewtwo cards on the sheet, as those cards were included in early theme deck boxes. I wanted to try to transform the low-quality graphics the first Pokémon video games had into a 3D model.

For instance, Machamp cards make up almost half of the sheet, which makes sense as that card was included in Base Set Starter sets as well as boosters. This sheet also shows off how some cards were more rare than others. Cards of the same rarity would usually be placed on the same sheet, with more sheets of common cards and uncommon cards printed than rare cards. The Official Pokemon Handbook Vol 1 Rare 1999 First Printing Vintage w/ Poster The cover, back, and side of the book have some flaws and the cover also has someones name wrote it but the pages are mostly in great condition other than a few mi. Pokemon cards (and other types of cards) are usually printed on large sheets and are divided up by rarity.